>> Information System

The information system of the Silec S.p.A - Design and Analysis Business Unit makes reference to a server that administers a workstation, PCs and peripheral devices.
This infrastructure has the following functions:

- to guarantee the univocity of working data. All data are stored in server storage volumes and are accessible and shared by multiple users. The elaboration of data on a local disc is allowed only in exceptional cases.
- to guarantee the security of working data. It prevents files form damaging and assures their protection.
- to guarantee the continuity of work. Data storage volume system Mirroring offers this kind of guarantee.

The integrity of data is guaranteed both by the aforementioned system Mirroring, as well by a daily back-up methodology based on the use of 20 magnetic tapes. This system assures the archiving of data for each day of the week in progress, by recording the data on a magnetic tape, at the end of every working day.
The magnetic tapes are stored up in the Server Room, accessible only for the IT Responsible .
Risk of data contamination
The IT Responsible is in charge of choosing the Antivirus protection instruments, of their installation on the IT equipment, of the activation mode and of their periodical updates.
All incoming digital data transmitted to the Silec S.p.A - Design and Analysis Business Unit, both on magnetic supports as well through communication lines, must be immediately checked out for possible infections. It is forbidden to use or register the incoming files without their prior control. Possible problems that might be encountered as a consequence of viruses or irregularities must be communicated to the person (the Principal, the supplier, etc.) who provided the files.
In the event of virus contaminations, the operators must promptly inform the IT Responsible, without taking actions or initiatives other than those prescribed, who shall examine carefully the problem and decide the most appropriate intervention.

The IT Responsible is in charge of newly purchased materials, of the control of the installation process and of its configuration within the existing information system. 
None of hardware or software equipment purchased may be employed before undergoing the control procedure and before the registration of pertinent results.
The single computer user is in charge of ensuring the correct use of the equipment assigned, making certain that the utilization behaviour is such to preserve the integrity of the device and of its performance.

After the purchase of a hardware item and the installation of the operative system, the IT Responsible shall implement the control procedures to ascertain the proper functioning of the new machine.
The IT Responsible shall assign an IP address to the item, filling in the register predisposed for each machine, containing all relevant information.
The Hardware and Software Registers consent to plainly apprehend the characteristics of the equipment and to control its conditions, thus facilitating maintenance interventions.

Specific engineering design software application, before being used in the process, shall undergo a test procedure for assessment of its correct functioning.
Before employing the software application, the IT Responsible shall lay down a testing program for the operations that are used more frequently.
After the completion of the test, the Service Responsible shall record the result on the Software Technical Document. In case of the positive outcome of the control procedure, he shall authorize its use according to the tested mode.
In cases that imply the performance of a particular software operation that has not been tested previously, it is necessary to submit such operation to the testing procedure. Like in the previous case, the Service Responsible shall record the test result and, in case of positive outcome, shall authorize its use. The Software Technical Document must be undersigned by the Service Responsible.

The IT Responsible stipulates and manages the technical assistance contract for software and hardware instruments, as regards both the server and the installed base, with the purpose of ensuring specialized intervention services, proportionate to the importance of the equipment item in question.
The correct functioning of information devices shall be monitored through the appropriate form: Inventory of Hardware and Software Anomalies, on which the operators are required to report every malfunctioning of equipment. The IT Responsible shall analyse periodically reports of anomalies and program of interventions. In case of a serious malfunctioning, the operator shall contact immediately the IT Responsible.
The IT Responsible shall specify all actions he considers necessary for the solving of the problem.

The responsible of the sector shall organize the staff training activities for the optimal use of all electronic equipment items (computer, printer, copy machine, fax, modem, etc.) and software applications (ref. P.Q. 18: Training)

The Head Office, with the support of the staff assigned to the services coordinated by the IT Responsible, periodically assesses the capacity of the installed base to satisfy the operative requirements of the Silec S.p.A - Design and Analysis Business Unit, regarding both the quality of performance as well as quantitative aspects, especially in concomitance with the Budget definition or revision phases. In the event that the quality of performance necessitates to be enhanced, the IT Responsible shall suggest necessary technical solutions to the person responsible, who shall, in his turn, demand the investments required.
The Service Responsible has the task to identify and recommend the purchase of specific software packages for the performance of activities concerning his sector, after having verified with the IT Responsible the compatibility with the existing information system and with its future development.